Involvement of knowledge users and external experts ensures both the usability of the review products, as well as their links to current practice.

All aspects of an RRR are guided by both a local reference group, and a group of content experts. Using examples from completed RRRs, we describe key features of the RRR methodology, the resources required, and the strengths and limitations of the process. ‘Rapid Realist Review’ methodology (RRR) has been developed as a tool for applying a realist approach to a knowledge synthesis process in order to produce a product that is useful to policy makers in responding to time-sensitive and/or emerging issues, while preserving the core elements of realist methodology. Yet realist reviews can require considerable and sustained investment over time, which does not always suit the time-sensitive demands of many policy decisions.

A realist synthesis attempts to provide policy makers with a transferable theory that suggests a certain program is more or less likely to work in certain respects, for particular subjects, in specific kinds of situations.